Blogger who forgets to actually blog!


I’ve been meaning to blog for some time, and I construct these elaborate posts in my head, but never get around to actually posting them lately! Life has been pretty busy with some fun things (holidays, weddings, parties, seeing friends) and some not so fun things (teething, sleep deprivation, and the mountain of housework & jobs i have to do because I’ve been off doing fun things instead.

So it is my aim over the next few days to actually write up some of the posts that I have been constructing in my head. Mainly because I’m using this blog as a personal diary that I can read in the future & remember life as a first time mama more clearly & I don’t want some of these thoughts to be lost completely in my sleep deprived fog filled brain!

I’m writing this while Henry is finally napping, his second tooth is cutting and the poor little man is fed up. In the last 3 weeks teething has been cruel to him, keeping him awake due to pain, giving him a bad stomach, stopping him from feeding properly. Quite frankly if teething were a person I’d kick their arse for being so mean to my little boy! It’s hard watching the little person that you made from scratch suffer & there have been times, when the pain has really upset him where i have cried with him. I know I shouldn’t do that, but I couldn’t help it!

Also for those of you who follow me on twitter you’ll know that I have been feeling the harsh effects of sleep deprivation during this period of teething, and in all honesty I feel a bit bad moaning about it. The reason I feel so bad after a disturbed nights sleep is because Henry has been sleeping 9 hours a night (with one short wake up at 3am for a feed) since he was 10 days old. Yes that’s right I’m moaning because I’m really not used to being awake at night, and to be fair I think Henry feels the same! When I complained to a fellow new mum she shot me down with a quick “Welcome to how the rest of us always feel” and a smug smile that showed she was most pleased that Henry was awake as much as her baby. No sympathy there then…….but I realise I don’t deserve sympathy. My baby has always slept well and has only stopped because he is in pain a lot of the time, thus he needs sympathy not me. So i shall not moan about how bad I feel from now on after a being awake through the night. However I’m not perfect so I’ll probably still mention that HENRY was awake and suffering through the night…… 😉


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