Christen This!!

I’m having Henry Christened next weekend. I’m not religious (agnostic at best) but the idea of a naming ceremony was not well received among my parental folk who both wanted the little man christened like all children in our families, which is surprising as they haven’t agreed on anything since the decision to get divorced over 20 years ago!

So for the easy life a conventional christening it is….but we’re adding our own twists. For example I’ve chosen some unconventional God parents for Henry not all of whom seem like the obvious choice, but who wants obvious & boring for their child? Not me!

My little sister Tashy is godmother. She dislikes children A LOT, but she does loves to smoke! However has allowed Henry to be the exception to her child hating & they adore each other! She is his favourite person aside from his mama & daddy. I hope they stay good buddies as She has incredibly good taste in music like her older sister so I know Henry will go to good gigs even when he’s too cool to hang out with me! She isn’t however allowed to introduce him to any of her chosen vices….even when he’s 18! 🙂

My Cousin Chris is the first godfather. He really seems like an odd choice to outsiders as he is a reformed youth offender & heavy drug user. But the key part of that description is reformed. He is a lovely hardworking bloke, who plays in a couple of bands in his spare time, and does charity concerts to raise money and awareness for his downs syndrome niece’s special needs school. However despite the fact that he isn’t the troubled teenager that got in trouble with the police anymore (he’s 32!) many family members still judge him for it. I don’t & think somebody like him who has made mistakes and moved on is a great role model!

The 3rd godfather is Andy the longterm boyfriend of Ken’s sister. I’ve not always got on with him as he can be quite money obsessed & not always on the same wavelength as us as a result. However he adores Henry & has shown much more interest in him than Ken’s sister. He asked after him constantly when I was pregnant, and has been excited to see him whenever he can. My little man brings out a much nicer side to Andy and at the very least we know if we end up poor homeless dreamers Henry will have a Godfather with a few pennies saved! Hahaha!

I was pretty laid back about what the ceremony itself should be, because to me it was simply a way of introducing my son to my HUGE family and throwing a nice big party for him. Well the party is nearly planned, it’s going to be a afternoon tea extravaganza full of homemade cakes, cucumber sandwiches, scones, tea & champagne! My kind of party! I’ve also spent the last few weeks lovingly sewing miles of homemade bunting to decorate the hall that the after party is being held in. (pictures will follow soon!) Also I have devised the perfect afternoon tea playlist suitable for a rockin’ little dudes party! All sounds pretty awesome right? Only problem is the party has gotten bigger than we planned….

The guest list is long, as I alone have 13 living aunties & Uncles…..and well too many cousins to count. Both of my parents are remarried, thus there are step-families to be included. Add to this Ken’s family and our oldest friends and the guest list is nearing 90 (plus George the dog who is the guest of honor)! Wow that’s a lot of people not all of whom, if I’m honest, I want there. However family politics mean that if you invite one, you invite them all! If only they would all bloody RSVP so I know how many cakes to bake…..I mean a good hostess should never be found lacking in the cake department! 😀

So we’re nearly there, thank god (no pun intended) but the final task, and possibly the most important one for our unconventional christening is to find the little guy a spiderman costume to be christened in! 🙂 My mum is dead against it, wanting to dress him in a linen suit like a Westlife reject. However there are something’s you just have to stand for in life, and dressing up like spiderman at your first party is one of them! ;D

Watch this space for the party updates!